Seedball Shade Mix

Seeds & Seed Ball Mixes

Seedball Shade Mix

Regular price £4.00
Sale price: £4.00 Regular price:
Tax included.

A mix of British native wildflowers that are ideal for shadier areas of your garden and balcony. While these will struggle in total shade (as would all flowers!), this mix is designed for spots which receive only dappled sun or sun for just one part of the day (although will grow equally well in areas of full sun). Each ball contains approximately 30 seeds from a mixture of Bellflower, Forget-me-not, Meadow buttercup, Meadowsweet, Oxeye daisy, Ragged robin and Red campion.

Each pack of Shade Mix contains 12 seed balls, enough to cover 1 square metre in a garden bed or 3-5 medium sized pots (leave at least 10cm between each ball). Best scattered in Spring or Autumn.

Bellflower (Campanula trachelium)

A medium to tall perennial with beautiful bell-shaped blue flowers.
Height: 50-100cm
Flowers: June to September

Forget-me-not (Myosotis arvensis)

Short annual with blue-grey flowers occasionally interspersed with pink flowers.
Height: 10-40cm
Flowers: April to October
Forget me nots have been used in the past for their astringent properties. The name Myosotis is derivation of the Latin and Greek for mouse and ears.

Meadow Buttercup (Ranunculus acris)

The tallest of our native buttercups, meadow buttercup has distinctive yellow petals.
Height: 5-100cm
Flowers: April to October

Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)

A tall grassland perennial with clusters of creamy white flowers.
Height: 60-90cm
Flowers: June to September

Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)

Height: 30-90cm
Flowers: May to September
In Austria and Germany oxeye daisies were hung inside the house as it was believed they would repel lightning.

Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi)

Beautiful tall perennial with raggedy red flowers.
Height: 30-50cm
Flowers: June to July

Red Campion (Silene dioica)

A perennial with rose pink petals.
Height: 20-60cm
Flowers: March to November
Silenus the merry god of the woodlands in Greek mythology, gave his name to Silene dioica. The second part of its scientific name, dioica, means 'two houses', and refers to the fact that each Red Campion plant has flowers of one sex only, so that two plants are needed to make seeds.

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Seedball Shade Mix

Regular price £4.00
Sale price: £4.00 Regular price:
Tax included.

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