Hedgehog advice
There are few exceptions to seeing a hedgehog out in the daytime. Around late April-August you may see a female hedgehog out in the daytime collecting material for nest building, or collecting food for her young. She will be walking with purpose and will not be out for long.
During hibernation, hedgehogs may wake for short periods to drink or eat. If they do not return to their nest after drinking or eating, they may need rescuing.
A healthy hedgehog should appear active, well rounded, with healthy eyes and skin. Most of their time is spent actively foraging for food they can cover up to eight good sized gardens in one evening.
What to do if you find a dead hedgehog
If you find a dead hedgehog, please report it to the Garden Wildlife Health project.
Do Hedgehogs Carry Fleas and Ticks?Hedgehog fleas are host specific. They will not live on your cat, dog or clothes. Do not put flea treatments on hedgehogs visiting or residing in your green spaces.
Ticks are usually seen around the ears, face and bottom. They are grey in colour and vary in size. They are not problematic unless there are lots of them obscuring the face or ears.
Removing ticks and fleas should be left to a professional.
Orphaned Babies
If you see very small hedgehogs out in the day, alone or making loud ‘peeping’ noises they may be in trouble. Check for a nest, signs of a mother or other hoglets in the area. If the mother is not found and the hedgehog is in imminent danger, place it in a safe environment and call your local wildlife rescue. If the hedgehog is not currently in danger or at risk, call a wildlife rescue for further advice before touching the young. Minimising contact and scent transfer will increase the chance or possibility of the young being able to be reunited with the parent.
What do I feed the hedgehogs in my garden?
Hedgehogs are mostly insectivores, the best diet is the natural bugs in your garden. Other supplemental food can be offered, such as meat flavoured cat/dog food, small cat/kitten biscuits and fresh water. Do not offer any other foods or cow’s milk. The most crucial time to offer food is autumn and winter.
When do hedgehogs hibernate?
There is no set time for hibernation. They will prepare a nest site and hibernate when food is scarce. This could be from late November to January. Some will not hibernate at all, or for short periods, waking up when the weather turns warmer or to move to a new nest site. Hedgehogs should not be disturbed when hibernating.
Should I clean out my hedgehog house?
The only time to clean the box is early spring when hibernation is over and you know the box is empty. Use hot water and leave to dry. Leave the house empty, the hedgehog will fill it with a material of their choosing. All bowls and surrounding areas should be cleaned regularly to prevent disease. Always wear gloves.