Baby Bird Advice

If the baby bird has no feathers

Nestlings are baby birds that have no feathers, or only a few. Nestlings won't survive long outside the protection of the nest, and where possible nestlings should be re-nested and left in the wild.

If you can't see a nest in the surrounding trees, or it's fallen down or been damaged, then you can make a replacement nest to put the nestling back into. This could be as simple as a basket or plant pot with some nesting material inside, securely attached to the nearest tree.

Leave the nest alone and monitor for at least two hours. If no adults return, safely confine the nestling in a ventilated cardboard box lined with a paper towel. Contact your closest wildlife rescue centre or vet for assistance.

If the baby bird has feathers

Fledglings nearly have all their feathers and leave the nest just before they can fly, so it's normal to see them on the ground. Keep your pets away from them, leave the fledgling alone and monitor it, as the parents are usually nearby and feeding the bird.

Even if you have already confined a healthy fledgling, you may still be able to return them to their parents. If they're in immediate danger, place them in a sheltered spot a short distance away.

What to do if a baby bird is visibly injured

An injured baby bird will need specialist care and rehabilitation to survive, so the best thing to do is to contact a local wildlife rehabilitation centre or a vet as soon as possible. You may be asked to take the bird to the centre yourself. If you need to handle the bird, follow our advice about handling and boxing it up.

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