Found a baby bird out of a nest?

Baby Bird Rescue Flowchart

Baby Bird Rescue Flowchart

Found a nestling that has fallen out of a nest? Has it been less than two hours since you found the baby bird? Is the baby warm, active, and vocal?

Can you see an unfallen nest?

Contact a local wildlife rescue centre or vet. If neither are available, call the National RSPCA on 0300 1234 999.

Is the baby bird the same in appearance as any existing babies in the nest?

Create a replacement nest:

  • Use a safe weather-proof container with drainage holes (e.g., basket, plant pot, or Tupperware tub).
  • If you can find the fallen nest, place it inside the container; otherwise, line with hay, grass, or leaves.
  • Ensure the container's sides are not too high to allow fledging.
  • Securely attach the nest to the nearest tree using string or cable ties, ensuring it's high enough to be safe from predators and above the lowest hanging branch.
  • Carefully place the baby bird into the nest.

Are you able to return the baby bird to the existing nest?

If there is no adult returning, safely confine the baby bird in a ventilated cardboard box lined with a paper towel. Leave alone and monitor for at least two hours.

Carefully return the baby bird to the existing nest. This is important as parents may not attend two nests. Be careful not to disturb existing nestlings.

Great, but if possible, check back in 24 hours!

If the baby bird is not warm, active, or vocal, or it's been more than two hours, contact a local wildlife rescue center or vet. If neither are available, call the National RSPCA on 0300 1234 999.