A Bird Has Crashed into My Window – What Should I Do?

There’s nothing more heart-wrenching than the thud of a bird colliding with your window. You glance outside, and there’s a poor little bird on the ground, stunned or worse. Before you freak out and start Googling bird CPR, here’s what you can do to help:

First Things First: Is the Bird Stunned or Seriously Hurt?

When a bird hits a window, it’s often just dazed, like us after a night out with too many gin and tonics. If the bird is sitting upright, blinking, and seems to be coming back to life slowly, there’s a good chance it’s just stunned. Leave it be for a few minutes, and keep an eye on it from a distance. If after 15-20 minutes it doesn’t fly off, it’s time to step in.

Helping the Stunned Bird

Gently pick it up (towel method works great here), and pop it in a ventilated box or even a large paper bag. Keep it quiet and dark – think of it like a mini birdy recovery spa. This gives the bird time to recover from the shock. After 30 minutes, try releasing it. If it flies off, job done! If not, contact a wildlife rescue.

Preventing Future Crashes

Want to avoid future bird collisions? Try putting decals or stickers on your windows – birds don’t understand glass and will happily fly straight into it thinking it’s more sky. Curtains, blinds, or hanging something in front of the window can also work wonders.

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