Sometimes birds can end up in places they're not supposed to be, such as inside our homes. Should a bird find themselves inside your home, follow the below steps to help get them back outside where they belong:
Step 1: Stay Calm
Try to stay as calm and quiet as possible, it's likely that the bird is already stressed. Remove pets and children from the room.
Step 2: Open the Windows and Doors
Open as many windows and outside doors as you can to provide as many escape routes as possible. Close doors leading to other rooms to prevent the bird from travelling further into your home. Leave the room and give the bird some time to make an exit.
Step 3: Encourage It to Leave
If the bird doesn’t exit the room on its own, you can gently encourage it to fly in the right direction. Use a towel or large piece of cardboard to gently guide it towards the closest open window or door. Don’t chase it or try to catch it.
Step 4: Capture Gently
If all else fails, you may have to carefully capture the bird. Use a towel to scoop it up and release it outdoors. Make sure there are no pets nearby when you do.
Step 5: Call A Wildlife Rescue
If you're unable to catch the bird yourself or it's injured, call your closest wildlife rescue for assistance.