How to Attract Birds to Your Garden Without Causing Harm

We all love the idea of turning our gardens into a birdy paradise, but sometimes, our good intentions can actually cause harm. Here’s how to roll out the welcome mat for birds while keeping them safe and happy.

1. Choose the Right Food

Sure, it’s easy to throw out a slice of bread and call it a day, but that’s like offering a bird a greasy takeaway – it fills the belly but isn’t healthy. Instead, opt for bird-friendly foods like sunflower hearts, peanuts (unsalted), and mealworms. Fat balls in winter are also great for an energy boost.

2. Clean Your Feeders

Birds are like us – they don’t fancy eating off dirty plates. Unclean feeders can spread diseases, so make sure you’re regularly washing and disinfecting them. Aim for once a week, especially during the wet season when mould can build up.

3. Provide Fresh Water

Birds need water to drink and bathe. Keep a birdbath filled with fresh water, and clean it regularly. Bonus points if you add a little stone in the bath for smaller birds to stand on!

4. Safe Nesting Spots

If you want birds to stick around, give them a reason to stay. Nesting boxes are a great way to encourage birds to make your garden home. Just be sure to position them away from direct sunlight, and out of reach of any curious cats!

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